Henrik Kressner License category A

First licence: 1986

OTH: Morud, Denmark 10:10E 55:27N

Locater JO55BK

Band: Mostly < 500 MHz but experimenting with a RPi and rtl_sdr on 23 cm

Mode: FM, AM, SSB

Max effect: HF 100 W, VHF 50W, UHF 50W, 23cm some mW

Antenna: X30, 20m horizontal dipol, 6/10m vertical dipol, and experimenting

Interest: Astronomy and playing with digital modes and satellites
  1. Fldige
  2. jtdx
  3. wsjtx
  4. QSSTV
  5. Dire Wolf mostly on VHF
  6. rtl_sdr

e-mail: kressner@synkro.dk
QSL: Sorry, not interestet